Toothache and Acupuncture:
Toothache is the common symptom of various oral problems including caries, pulpitis, apical periodontal inflammation, pericoronitis and periodontitis.
According to TCM, the large Intestine meridians enters the lower teeth and its collateral distributes to all the teeth. Stomach meridian enters to the upper teeth. Therefore, the large intestine and stomach meridian are mainly affected in case of tooth ache. Tooth ache may occur if heat accumulates in the stomach or large intestine, then flares up along the meridian, or if the large intestine and stomach meridian invaded by exogenous pathogen which obstructs the flow of chi and blood. Additionally, the teeth are terminals of bones, which are nourished by the kidney. Therefore, tooth ache may occur if deficient fire due to deficiency of kidney yin flares up.
To treat tooth ache in TCM, electro acupuncture and auricle therapy are used. These therapies are very affective for treating tooth ache. In many cases, there will be a great improvement of pain after only one or two treatment.
If you are willing to try acupuncture for toothache or need more information then please call Dr Kusum Lata on (03) 98038718 or email: