The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in your body, running from the spinal cord to the buttock and hip area and down the back of each leg. It is about the size of your little finger in thick. Sciatica is a condition where the sciatic nerve is irritated. The most prominent symptom of sciatica is pain that radiates along the path of the sciatic nerve from the lumbar area to the buttock and down the back of the leg. The pain varies from a mild ache to a severe sharp or burning pain, numbness or weak muscles along the nerve pathway, and tingling or pins and needles feeling in the toes or foot.
The irritation of the sciatic nerve can be the result of pressure from muscles that are too tense, a bulging disc in the lumbar vertebral column pushing the nerve, an inflammation of the nerve, or bad posture or heavy work that involves a lot of lifting, bending over and work that involve prolonged sitting and standing. Sciatica is a widespread injury and about 40% of people get affected by it in some form. Sciatic pain will sometimes be the sign of a herniated disc and it is certainly wise to pay attention to it in an early stage and get expert advice.
Acupuncture can be extremely effective in the treatment of both acute and chronic back pain, including sciatica, regardless of how long the condition has been present. Sciatica often takes longer to treat than other types of back pain, but acupuncture can produce great results, both in treating the pain and in addressing the underlying weakness that is contributing to a sciatic problem.
Often in cases where there is a stubborn problem that doesn’t seem to respond to treatment, acupuncture can remove the blockages and open the doors for healing. Combined with Ayurvedic Medicine, herbs & Yoga is also very valuable tool in treating sciatica.
Dr. Kusum Lata is a Registered Acupuncturist and Ayurvedic Doctor @ AcuAyur Holistic Health Centre which is located at 287, Blackburn Road, Burwood East 3151.