What is Facial / Cosmetic Acupuncture? Facial Acupuncture is an effective, non- surgical treatment to reduce the signs of aging. It is based on the principles of Chinese Medicine, which involves the insertion of very thin disposable needles into the …
According to Ayurveda, there is no sickness when Vata, Pitta and Kapha, the three bio-energies, are in balance. When these bio-energies get out of balance, the sickness show it affects in many ways. Ayurvedic therapy helps to balance the bio-energy …
Ayurveda uses a variety of techniques to achieve good health and general wellbeing. At AcuAyur Holistic Health Centre, we advise to the patient about good nutrition, exercise, Yoga -meditation, and stress management. Pancha Karma is the purification treatment used for …
Acupuncture support for IVF treatment Acupuncture has grown in popularity in Australia and around the world as a supportive treatment in IVF. Acupuncture can reduce stress, increase blood flow in the uterus and improve the quality of life. Having acupuncture …
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a …
At AcuAyur Holistic Health Centre, our main focus is helping you to recover from health issues by using techniques available such as Acupuncture and Ayurveda. We offer you to embrace natural and effective remedies for a healthy lifestyle and provide …
What is Shiro-dhara Tretment Shirodhara is an Ayurvedic treatment which originated in India. The name is derived from the Sanskrit words shiro, which means the head, and dhara, meaning the flow. Shirodhara treatment has been found to be very effective …