Ayurvedic consultation:
At AcuAyur Holistic Health Centre, we take traditional Ayurveda approach to achieve balanced physical, emotional and spiritual health. The aim of Ayurveda is to identify a person’s unique nature (Prakriti) by diagnosis of pulse & tongue, which is a comprehensive tool in Ayurvedic medicine for diagnosis.
An important goal of Ayurveda is to identify a person’s unique nature (Prakriti) which is also called as ideal state of balance. Patterns of imbalance (which is called vikriti) are addressed by suitable interventions of diet, herbs, pancha-karma, massage treatments, yoga, pranayam and mediatation.
During consultation, your Ayurvedic practitioner takes a complete medical and lifestyle history. Based upon this assessment, a personalized body/mind/ health-balancing prescription is formulated. This will include recommendations for Ayurvedic medicine / treatment, shirodhara, herbs, panchkarma treatment, stress management, yoga, pranayam and mediatation. If required, acupuncture treatment is also considered which is performed by a registered acupuncturist.
For booking and inquiry please call
Dr Kusum Lata on 03 98038718 or 0414822244
You can also make booking on line
Initial Ayurvedic consultation is $75 for an hour.